Apostolic Viae

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

The Apostoli Viae Cenacle is a place where Apostoli Viae members and those who we serve or those who are engaged or discerning their participation in the charism can meet, chat, encourage one another, engage in formation, and discuss matters of importance in our service to God and His Church. To be clear, you don’t have to be a formal member of Apostoli Viae to benefit from this site and all we offer. We offer community and formation to all faithful Catholics who desire it.

The Apostoli Viae community is an association of the faithful and is completely committed to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

Feel free to read all the public posts that describe our charism and perspective and we would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

To protect the privacy of those in discernment, formation, or other groups, some of the groups are member-only access. If you would like to learn more and your questions are not answered on the public pages available to you, feel free to send an email to AVmoderatormail@gmail.com and please share with us your name, contact information, and specific questions we might be able to answer. We look forward to serving you on your journey to God.