by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

About Us
Catholic Faith Store is a family owned and operated business in the suburbs of Kansas City. Blessed with 7 children, Rich and Caroline and the Catholic Faith Store team are dedicated to bringing you a large assortment of unique and quality made Catholic products, many of which are manufactured in the US.

The Catholic Faith Store mission is to provide our customers with quality products that inspires a Catholic way of life, promotes prayer and strengthens the Catholic community.

As cradle Catholics, we were blessed to be brought up in the Faith and seek to raise our children to be good men and women who will one day be saints. We strive to live the CATHOLIC FAITH as we run our STORE.

Our customers seek us out for significant life events: births, deaths, sacraments, graduations, retirements, and more. These are not frivoulous purchases done on a whim; they are meaningful, emotional and important. We remember that and strive to serve our customers as best we can and treat each person as we want to be treated.

While we do not have a retail store front, we serve our customers online through phone call and email support. We are here to help. Please call us with questions and comments. We’ll always do our best to service you.


Rich and Caroline and The Team at Catholic Faith Store