Licit vs. Valid

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

Howdy, There!

My name is Jimmy Akin, and I am your blog host.

I was born in Texas and grew up nominally Protestant. But at age 20 I experienced a profound conversion to Christ. I planned on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, and I started an intensive study of the Bible. The thing was, the more I immersed myself in Scripture, the more I found it to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, I had to become Catholic, which I did in 1992. My conversion story, “A Triumph and a Tragedy,” is published in the book Surprised By Truth.

These days, I am a Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a member on the Catholic Answers Speakers Bureau, a weekly guest on the global radio program “Catholic Answers Live,” a contributor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and the author of more publications than you can shake a stick at. My books include The Fathers Know Best, Mass Revision, and The Salvation Controversy. I hope you’ll check them out!

Here on the blog, I have a number of features I hope you will find useful.