March 26, 2020
While fostering a deeper personal and communal relationship with
Jesus Christ, we discover our call as disciples to witness and proclaim
the good news to the world.
Together with Christ, Let us Bring His Light to the World
Sincerity: Loving goodness manifested by integrity in following Christ through words and actions.
Joyful: Delight from participating in God’s living, sacrificial and intimate love flowing through us.
Love: Born out of our union with God, we are devoted to being a channel of God’s goodness for others.
Openness to God’s Will: Humble submission to the wisdom and love of God, that leads to a trusting acceptance
of His plan as the true source of happiness.
Courage: Confident, that despite fear, the Holy Spirit will give strength and guidance to face the unknown in
promoting and living the Gospel message.
Priority 1. Enhancing the Sunday Experience
Goal 1: Become a parish where people feel welcomed and find a place in the community, so that the Sunday
experience is a natural celebration of the Body of Christ.
Goal 1: Structure our music ministry to enhance the Sunday Experience.
Goal 2: Present missionary disciples to give witness to our Sunday congregation.
Priority 2. Creating Opportunities to Encounter Jesus
Goal 3: Establish a small-group experience to develop a personal relationship with the Lord.
Goal 4: Establish in-house and outsourced retreat and faith formation opportunities.
Goal 5: Improve our curb-side appeal by creating an inviting, welcoming and attractive (physical) environment.