Aplogetics (Dr. Scott Hahn)

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

Catholic Faith & Apologetics Topics

Dr. Hahn began his studies with a lot of questions, and he has received countless questions over the years. Having studied almost endless materials about the Catholic faith, and having taught scripture and theology to students in parishes around the country, on campus, and in his home, Dr. Hahn has compiled recommended faith and apologetics resources from trusted authors and sources.
They are categorized by topic as follows:

General Apologetics
Answering Atheism
The Bible
Biblical Interpretation
Bible Studies
The Catechism
Communion of Saints
The Church: The living body of Christ
Faith and Works
The Gospels
Hell, the Devil, Demons and Evil
Heaven and the Angels
Living the Mysteries, Spirituality, and Prayer
Marriage and Family
The Mass and the Liturgy
Moral Theology
St. Paul
Priesthood and Religious Life
The Pope
Resources for Teens
The Sacraments
Vatican II