Catherine of Siena Institute (Charisms, Retreats)

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized


Pope John Paul, II taught that “Formation is not the privilege of a few, but a right and duty of all” (Christifideles Laici 63). The Catherine of Siena Institute works to ensure that every Catholic has access to a formation that:

is distinctly lay in approach, spirituality, and focus
is deeply rooted in the Tradition and Magisterial teaching of the Church
calls each baptized man and women to intentional discipleship
fosters integration of faith, work, and relationships
takes seriously the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to every Christian
enables each one to discern more deeply God’s unique call in his or her own life
prepares him or her to be an effective, creative apostle in the midst of the world
encourages collaboration between the clergy and laity in mission to the world
is geared to the real lives of working adults
At the Catherine of Siena Institute, we work to make apostolic formation and support readily available to all lay Catholics by:

making evangelization and apostolic formation resources available to lay Catholics and developing new resources as needed
equipping parishes to become centers of evangelization and formation, discernment, and apostolic support for the laity
forming clergy, religious, and lay leaders to be effective evangelizers and formators of lay people
fostering awareness, discussion, theological inquiry, and pastoral consultation throughout the Church regarding the evangelization, apostolic mission, and formation of the laity
collaborating with interested individuals, groups, and organizations in the service of this mission