Cremation and Church Teaching

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

About Us

The mission of Simply Catholic is simple: to help Catholics know and love the Lord and his Church so that they may be equipped to share their Catholic faith with others. Simply Catholic is a ministry of Our Sunday Visitor, which has been sharing the truth, beauty and goodness of Catholicism since OSV’s founding in 1912.

Meet the Editor:

Michael R. Heinlein is editor of Simply Catholic. He has a degree in theology from The Catholic University of America and is the former editor of The Catholic Answer magazine. Experienced in parish ministry and high school teaching, Michael is a frequent contributor to Our Sunday Visitor and The Priest magazine. Michael is also the author of several OSV booklets and pamphlets, including “Go, Therefore, and Make Disciples: Missionary Saints in the Church.” Most important to him is his role as husband and father.