
by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

About Crossroads

Crossroads was founded in 1995 by Steve Sanborn, a student at Franciscan University of Steubenville. The mission of Crossroads is to respond to Pope St. John Paul II’s call to the youth of the world to take an active role in the pro-life movement in order to establish a Culture of Life. In answer to that call, Crossroads conducts annual Pro-Life pilgrimages across the United States. Each summer, young adults walk on up to 3 simultaneous pro-life walks across America from Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles to Washington, DC. Walking almost 10,000 miles and through 36 states, these young people hope to convert the hearts and minds of others – at the grass-roots level – by witnessing to the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from the moment of conception to natural death. Crossroads also conducts Pro-Life walk across Australia and Canada, made up of volunteers from those countries.

During our pilgrimages across the United States, Australia, and Canada, we strive always to join our efforts, prayers and small sacrifices with the sufferings of Christ – crucified for the sake of all, born and unborn.

We also speak to parish groups to encourage pro-life activism in their communities.

During the walk, we stop at local abortion clinics along the route to participate in prayerful, peaceful protests and to counsel women in crisis pregnancies to help them choose life for their unborn child.

Crossroads recognizes the need to spread the message of life and love through the means that the modern world provides. We actively participate in radio, television and newspaper interviews with local media as well as many religious media outlets.