Creating space to receive the whole person, grow systems of mutual support, and empower for creative discipleship
Hey Fellow Traveler,
It’s good to have you here! Usually these “about us” sections on websites give you a mission statement and a list of credentials. That makes sense. “What are you about and why should we listen to you?” Scroll down a little further and we’ll tell you who we are and what we believe. But stay here a second, if you don’t mind.
Because what we do and what we have done isn’t exactly “who we are.” These are aspects of us, sure. Facets of the whole. But who we are starts in the very beginning. It starts before we were born. It starts before our conception. It will go on long after we die.
Who I am, who you are, who we are together is simple. We are willed, loved, unrepeatable men and women created in the image and likeness of God. We are adopted daughters and sons of the Father. We are redeemed through the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. By the sacramental life, we are animated by the wild abundance of the Holy Spirit.
We’re human persons. Disciples. Dreamers. Wounded. Graced. Striving. We’re not experts, therapists, doctoral theologians, or activists. We’re just complicated people. Kind of like you.
Eden Invitation is our project. Welcome to the adventure!