Five Things With Fr. Bill: Hope, Humor and Help for the Soul

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

About Loyola Press
Loyola Press was founded in 1912 by Father William P. Lyons SJ as a non-profit Catholic publishing ministry of the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus. His first published work was Loyola University’s four-page school newspaper, The Maroon and Gold. Soon after, however, Fr. Lyons began publishing college textbooks, and Loyola Press swiftly grew in size and scope, having now served more than 40 million children and adults as they seek to grow academically, personally, and spiritually with assistance and inspiration from our textbooks, spirituality books for adults and children, and a growing array of multi-media resources.

For over 100 years, our mission has been to lead people to Jesus and to facilitate transformative experiences of God so that people of all ages can lead holy and purposeful lives with and for others. We accomplish our goals with inspiration from Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), a man who spent his whole post-conversion life providing catechesis and engaging others in spiritual conversation. In addition to our spirituality and faith formation offerings, we are pleased to serve the Kindergarten through Grade 8 literacy community with our highly regarded English Language Arts programs.

Loyola Press By The Numbers.
6 faith formation programs found in conformity with USCCB protocols
2 New York Times Bestsellers (Dear Pope Francis and The Gift of Peace)
74 Publishing awards since 2017
632 trade books currently in circulation
265 titles in Español
10 books by Pope Francis
Over 9 million students served in the last 10 years
Over 40 million students served since Loyola Press’ inception
55 countries/continents publish works by Loyola Press