Greg & Lisa Popcak / Matters of the Heart

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

About The Pastoral Solutions Institute

The Pastoral Solutions Institute was founded in 1999 as an organization dedicated to providing the resources religiously-committed Catholics need to live more faithful and abundant marriage, family, and personal lives. Since that time, The Pastoral Solutions Institute has become nationally-recognized for its leadership in integrating cutting-edge counseling psychology with solid Catholic theological principles.

The Pastoral Solutions Institute offers a wide variety of resources and professional services intended to help committed Catholics overcome problems like marital conflict, childrearing problems, depression, anxiety, stress, and the difficulties associated with major life transitions.

Shot of a loving young couple sharing a romantic moment at home

As part of its mission to give Catholics the information they need to live a more abundant life, the Pastoral Solutions Institute is actively involved in television, radio, and social media. The Institute developed two television series carried by the Eternal Word Television Network (For Better…FOREVER! and God Help Me! ) and, together with Ave Maria Radio, PSI co-produces the daily radio broadcast, More2Life, heard on Catholic radio stations (as well as on the internet, via podcast, and the free AveMariaRadio iPhone and Android apps) throughout the country. We also produce the faith and religion blog, Faith on the Couch, which is hosted on the Catholic Channel of the popular religion portal,

Our highly-qualified, licensed, Catholic pastoral counselors provide over 8000 hours of telephone counseling services annually to Catholics all over the world and we are looking at expanding our services to meet the growing demand. To serve you better, we have an advisory board consisting of faithful moral theologians, canon lawyers, and clergy with whom we consult to make certain our services are as faithful as they are effective. Additionally, the Pastoral Solutions Institute is doing its part to contribute to professional research in the effective integration of Catholic teaching and counseling psychology and to assist in the training of many more Catholic counselors to serve local communities across North America and beyond.

The Pastoral Solutions Institute is an independent, non-profit organization which has earned a listing in the Official Catholic Directory.