
by | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

Only Catholic Online, located at, gives the largest and broadest population of Catholics worldwide easy access to comprehensive, educational and timely information about Catholicism, and provides a range of easy methods to integrate their faith into their daily lives. The mission of Catholic Online (COL) is to accurately represent the Catholic religion: its “past” and present. Today, Catholic Online provides over five million pages of content including the largest online historical and biblical database about the Catholic Church including comprehensive information about over 7,000 Catholic saints and comprehensive online scriptures from all books of the Old and New Testament.

Catholic Online reaches a highly targeted audience of over to 100 thousand Catholic users per day and up to 1 million page impressions per day. Visitors come from over 120 countries around the world. Over 100,000 users take advantage of free email accounts and access COL every day!

Catholic Online has consistently provided the world wide Catholic Community with dependable and reliable content and Internet services for over 10 years. We have the largest Catholic Online presence on the Internet. In order to continue to build OUR Catholic Online Community your active support is needed.

Recent announcements from the Vatican on the use of the Internet as a strategic communications tool for the church will create an increase in support for sites targeting the Catholic audience.