About Gary Michuta
Gary here. I’d love to come to your parish or conference and speak on Catholic apologetics and evangelism. Since the early 1990s, it has been my mission to inspire and equip Catholics around the United States and Canada to be compassionate and competent defenders of our Catholic Faith. I have been honored to share my knowledge on apologetics and evangelism in some of the best Catholic media outlets and programs such as EWTN, Catholic Answers, The Journey Home, Kresta in the Afternoon, Catholic Connection, Relevant Radio, The Son Rise Morning Show, Spirit Morning Show, Envoy Magazine, Franciscan University of Steubenville Summer Conference, The Catholic Answer Magazine, Deep in Scripture, The Cardinal Maida Institute, The Michigan Catholic, just to name a few.
Gary is also the host of Hands On Apologetics Live on Virgin Most Powerful Radio (Monday-Friday, 1PM).