The Catholic Thing is a superb medium for those who
wish to be noticed by America’s most well-educated,
successful, and faithful Roman Catholics.
As founder and Editor-in-Chief Dr. Robert Royal wrote in
his inaugural column in 2008, TCT is a unique website:
All of our columnists write frequently in other places,
but there is no one place where you will find them
all together offering material unavailable elsewhere.
Wide-ranging and solid Catholic commentary on
events is necessary, not only to keep us from being
overwhelmed by the tsunami of information now
coming at us all from many sources, but to cast a
steady and invigorating Catholic light on what is
otherwise a superficial and dull world.
The Catholic Thing provides fresh and penetrating
daily columns about current events along with other
commentary, news, analysis, and – yes – even humor.
Our writers include some of the most seasoned and
insightful Catholic minds in America. Among TCT’s
contributors are Robert Royal, Brad Miner, Mary
Eberstadt, Father Gerald E. Murray, Anthony Esolen,
Michael Pakaluk, Father Paul Scalia, David Warren, and
many other men and women of faith and learning.