Institute for Church Renewal
Rediscover, Rekindle, Renew Your Faith!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1776 explains, “Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself, but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his heart at the right moment … For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God … His conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.”
“…In today’s classroom, students often come to us with their own understanding of “truth.” The definition of the word “truth” is the conforming of one’s mind to reality as it is. Truth resides outside of us, not in our own ideas and concepts. This can often cause confusion as to what is subjective truth vs. objective truth. Subjective truth is based on the personal perspective, experience, or preferences of a person. One student may state, “Math is hard, and it is the worst subject”. They are speaking based on their feelings. These feelings and what is viewed as “their truth” are based on who is speaking. Another student may love math and regard it as their best subject. They are both accurate as they speak on their feelings about math, but that does not apply to the nature of math itself. There is no contradiction about these two students having different opinions about the same thing (math).”
[This explanation is from the Ruah Woods Institute:]
Apocryphal books of the Bible
Elementary school age
OUR MISSION Our mission is to provide a FREE world class Catholic education for anyone, anywhere. OUR VISION To actively participate in the movement to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable FREE education by offering teaching which is fully informed by the...
Catholic News Service
Catholic News Service has a rich history of journalistic professionalism and is a leader in the world of Catholic and religious media. With headquarters in Washington, offices in New York and Rome, and correspondents around the world, CNS provides the most...
Catholic Church and Science
About Us Catholic Faith Store is a family owned and operated business in the suburbs of Kansas City. Blessed with 7 children, Rich and Caroline and the Catholic Faith Store team are dedicated to bringing you a large assortment of unique and quality made Catholic...
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Four Reasons Catholic Gifts Are Profoundly Meaningful The ideal Catholic gift is perfectly matched to the recipient and is not a mass-produced toy or gadget. Rather, it serves a deeper purpose and is timeless, something that will be valued and prized for years, even...
Four Cardinal Virtues
Since its inception, CERC has been compiling an Internet resource library and publishing a weekly E-Letter made up of the most compelling and convincing articles we can find on the big issues in the faith and culture category. CERC is educating a broad range of...
Eastern Rite Churches
Greg & Lisa Popcak / Matters of the Heart
About The Pastoral Solutions Institute The Pastoral Solutions Institute was founded in 1999 as an organization dedicated to providing the resources religiously-committed Catholics need to live more faithful and abundant marriage, family, and personal lives. Since that...