Institute for Church Renewal
Rediscover, Rekindle, Renew Your Faith!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1776 explains, “Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself, but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his heart at the right moment … For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God … His conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.”
“…In today’s classroom, students often come to us with their own understanding of “truth.” The definition of the word “truth” is the conforming of one’s mind to reality as it is. Truth resides outside of us, not in our own ideas and concepts. This can often cause confusion as to what is subjective truth vs. objective truth. Subjective truth is based on the personal perspective, experience, or preferences of a person. One student may state, “Math is hard, and it is the worst subject”. They are speaking based on their feelings. These feelings and what is viewed as “their truth” are based on who is speaking. Another student may love math and regard it as their best subject. They are both accurate as they speak on their feelings about math, but that does not apply to the nature of math itself. There is no contradiction about these two students having different opinions about the same thing (math).”
[This explanation is from the Ruah Woods Institute:]
Catholic Answers / – Podcasts
Apologetics Resoucres
A lot of people have misconceptions about the Catholic Church. Catholic Answers is a media ministry that answers questions about what the Church really teaches. We are the largest organization of our kind. Learn more about Catholic Answers, our beginnings 40 years...
Ave Maria University
Ave Maria University’s CATHOLIC IDENTITY At Ave Maria University, we are proud of our Catholic identity and we are committed to learning, teaching and serving according to the faith. Ave Maria University was established in 2003 as a Catholic University according to...
Ave Maria Law School
Aaron Seng is online at Amar Hamparian is online at and more… Annamaria Cardinalli, author of Music and Meaning in the Mass Bear Woznick is online at Bishop-Elect Bill Byrne, author of 5 Things with Father...
Bob Warren, Fr. (Blog)
Broadcast live withBlogTalkRadio BlogTalkRadio allows anyone to broadcast live radio conversations to and from anywhere in the world.
Who We Are We began this initiative with priests, mothers, and experts working hand in hand to create a place for online religious education. We built this for parishes and people of all ages so that our entire community could prosper. Our goal is to provide a...
Augustinians Religious Order
Where We Are The Order of Saint Augustine includes some 2800 Augustinians in 47 countries throughout the world. The Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, founded in 1796, is comprised of the East Coast of the United States and international missions in Peru and Japan.
ANF – America Needs Fatima
Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima To better understand the most important of all Marian apparitions and the greatest supernatural event of the last hundred years, we focus on the essential facts as recounted by Lucia dos Santos, the visionary who spoke to Our Lady.
Apostolic Viae
The Apostoli Viae Cenacle is a place where Apostoli Viae members and those who we serve or those who are engaged or discerning their participation in the charism can meet, chat, encourage one another, engage in formation, and discuss matters of importance in our...
Dioceses of US—map and links
ArcGIS Online Cloud-based software to create and share interactive web maps Map and interact with your location data Build interactive web maps with ArcGIS Online, Esri's web-based mapping software. Gain new perspectives and enhanced details as you interact with data,...