The Radiance Foundation

OUR VISION TO CREATE A CULTURE THAT BELIEVES EVERY HUMAN LIFE HAS PURPOSE. OUR MISSION We illuminate that every human being has inherent and equal worth. We educate about culture-shaping issues. We motivate people to put truth and love into action. The Radiance...


Father John A. Hardon, S.J. Archives Archives Index Father John A. Hardon was a tireless Catholic writer. Some of his best-known books are the Catholic Catechism, the Modern Catholic Dictionary, and the Treasury of Catholic Wisdom. But over and above these, he wrote...

Personalized Holy Cards

About The Personalized Holy Cards Family The Family Behind Thank you for visiting We hope to provide you with the highest quality custom printed holy cards meant for special occasions such as weddings,...

Pete’s Pecans

Our family is absolutely nutty about PECANS! We own a 61 acre farm in South Georgia and grow some of the finest pecans in the world! We carry a full line of shelled, roasted/salted, candied and chocolate covered pecans…the best you’ve ever had… We...

St. Philomena

Universal Living Rosery Association Patroness St. Philomena, Patroness and Protectress of the Living Rosary Credited with countless miracles and intercessions since discovery of her tomb in the most ancient catacombs of St. Priscilla in Rome in 1802, St. Philomena is...