Angelus The Angelus is a powerful Catholic devotion that can add joy, peace, and purpose into everyday life. The spiritual benefits of praying this prayer come with the commitment to pray it each day at dawn, midday, and dusk. Learn more: How to Pray the...

RC Challenge

ROMAN CATHOLIC (RC) CHALLENGE Open to students in grades five through twelve, RC Challenge is a unique combination of 16th Century Jesuit pedagogy and the television show “Jeopardy” where students compete in a fast-paced animated format to demonstrate their knowledge...

Philly Catholic Life

Some Resources on Grief and Loss Compiled by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Family Life Office Note: The following websites, books, and other resources are not officially endorsed by the Family Life Office. It is impossible to review and monitor all online and...

Poor Clares – Religious Order

Who this site is for: This is a site about the mysterious world of being a Poor Clare. Contemplative nuns who live a life of prayer, community and joy. The first thing you need to know is that a Poor Clare is a nun – meaning that she lives in one monastery..., Joe Heschmeyer

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